Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tray 10 and an 'AHA!' moment

Tray 10 has been totally uneventful, for which I am grateful. I was finally able to put my finger on the feeling that having the trays in gives me. I've always felt it was a tiny bit familiar but couldn't quite figure it out. Well, I got it. It reminds me of wearing those vampire teeth you used to get at the candy store!!!! You know the ones, you could get them in white or with the ends of the fangs painted red? YEP! Maybe it's because I have a rather small face, I'm not sure. In the mirror, it doesn't look that obvious, in fact, I think people don't notice it on me (I find it gives me a bit of an underbite look but my family says its doesn't), but I *feel* like I have those vampire teeth in. Maybe I need to buy myself a cape? LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHA! I remember the candy fangs and funny teeth and how oddly they fit. My mouth felt unpleasantly full, but I'm small. Glad this set is doing your teeth good!

Welcome back! Barbara :D

10:51 PM  

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