Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tray 9 -in the interest of fairness

Poor Tray 9, by tomorrow I'll probably write really mean stuff about it. So, I figured I should at least say a few words about it before the bad feelings set in. You see, I took a friend's VERY wise advice and always start my trays in the evening right after brushing. That way it gives them 10 or 12 hours of uninterrupted time to settle in before having to take them out. Plus you get to sleep through some of the initial adjustment period, which can only be a good thing. So, Tray 9, let's just say that so far you are totally no problem - real snug of course, but snapped into place without issue and not causing me any disturbance whatsoever. And, I promise not to delete this post no matter how differently I feel tomorrow morning when I rip you and a few of my teeth (ok, an exaggeration but that's how it feels) off to have my coffee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dawna!

Hang in there! This will be so worth it and in a few days even tray 9 will be an old friend. Hold that thought!

How many trays to go?

Wishing you well - and only soft foods! Barbara :D

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dawna, are you talking to your trays now? Carrying on some morbid relationship with them? LOL Funny how much part of you the orthodontics become, isn't it? Keep up the good work. How many trays in all again? I forget! Keep on keepin' on though. As you are well aware, it is so worth it! Does Kyle want braces too? Or does he not need them? Just wondering if Invisalign will have a new customer soon...

1:31 PM  

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