Monday, September 11, 2006

There's space in them thar molars!!

Perhaps it's strange that I'm surprised, but my teeth are moving!! I now have spaces at the very back between my molars - just like my ClinCheck video shows I should. I started tray 5 on Friday, and still having no problems or issues. I had my check up with my Ortho on Friday and asked my million questions. He is so very helpful and friendly, and spent all the time I needed answering everything I'd asked. I read SO many blogs and forums and it seems so many of the Orthos are not as personable, to say the least. So, I'm happy to have gotten so lucky. I also asked to see my last set of trays and it was really cool to see my 'teeth' in 3D looking straight. It's still hard to imagine how it will look in real life.


Blogger Autumn Leaves said...

Hi Dawna,

I am just intrigued by how the Invisalign braces work. I've just about decided to go see a new orthodontist myself and start up with braces on the bottom teeth again. Despite the permanent retainer they have shifted and I'm not too happy about that. The spaces opened up almost immediately from where the two teeth were pulled on the bottom and the middle two teeth are just very slightly starting to overlap. They all seem to be pushing forward a bit as well. Too much money spent on my mouth to let it go now.

I'm always happy to read about what is going on with yours! Wait until you are done and no longer wearing the trays. I felt naked without my braces and often times, still do! They put a little fullness and width to my mouth that isn't normally there! LOL Ok...I'll say it! I liked it better when the braces were on! LOL

Happy to hear of your enthusiasm, hear the wonder and awe in your words, and of course, to feel with you the excitement as the changes take place and become so much more visible and even more of a reality for you.

Keep posting! I'm walking along with you on this, in spirit for sure!

4:48 AM  
Blogger Carmen y Xavier said...

Great to hear it's going so well! When do we get to see another picture? :-)

1:24 PM  
Blogger Dawna B said...

THanks for the nice comments. The changes begin in the back molars, so not really anything to show yet. Believe me, when the front starts looking different there will be pics !!

3:18 PM  

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