Monday, October 09, 2006


Mental note to self - if I don't want to frighten away potential Invisalign customers, never post my update on the first morning of my new tray. However, maybe I'm feeling a bit sadistic today, or maybe I just need to share the pain a bit but MAN-OH-MAN this one is a doozy! I had the feeling when I put them in last night for the first time, that this tray was going to be at least a 8.5 on the holycrapmyteetharecomingoutwiththetray scale, and I was right. This morning, the coffee my husband made me was of little comfort after taking my trays out for the first time, although normally I deeply enjoy this daily luxury. In fact, my brain kept telling me NOT to look at the trays, because there were certainly 2 or 3 teeth that came out along with my trays bouncing around in there. I finally peeked, and nope, all the pearly whites were still in my mouth were they belong (so far, anyway - dinnertime might be another story). Now when I look back on that recurring dream I've always had about my teeth falling out into my hands (calling it a dream and not a godawful nightmare as a courtesy to the aforementioned potential invisalign customers), and I can say 'AAAAAAAAAAAAHA, now I know what that dream was predicting!!' Would I change any of it? Still nope!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL with a huge dose of heartfelt sympathy and empathy, Dawna! I remember being certain my teeth would fall out when my braces (tinsel-teeth) were taken off. Oh, goodness!!!! My teeth did stay in, so there is hope that yours will, too!

How many more trays to go?

((Hugs)) Barbara :D

6:31 PM  

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