Dawna's Brace Face Place

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

trays, trays and more trays

Tray 12 was so uninteresting I didn't even remember to post about it, poor thing. I got tray 13 yesterday at the ortho appt. and it's just jim dandy already too. He did file down one attachment on the bottom because the trays were cracking there, so that should rectify that problem. I got 6 sets of trays this time rather than 4 (I do 10 day rotations not 14, remember) because of all the upcoming holidays, so that carries me through to the end of January. I'm thinking of digging out tray 1 and doing a comparison photo with tray 18, although since it's all molar movement not sure how interesting that would be. Then again, this whole blog is probably not that spellbinding to anyone either but here I am still writing away, right?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tray 11, I'm 25% done!

Okay, not really. 25% of the top trays though so that feels like progress. Tray 11 started last night and is another no-brainer. A bit of tenderness where the tray bridges the gap where that tooth was pulled way back when, but other than that, nada. Some folks have asked for pics of how the trays look in a normal 'not right up close to show you, but a real situation' kinda pic, so here ya go! This was taken last Saturday at a restaurant. I hate that damn 'fang' but the braces themselves are really not noticeable.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tray 10 and an 'AHA!' moment

Tray 10 has been totally uneventful, for which I am grateful. I was finally able to put my finger on the feeling that having the trays in gives me. I've always felt it was a tiny bit familiar but couldn't quite figure it out. Well, I got it. It reminds me of wearing those vampire teeth you used to get at the candy store!!!! You know the ones, you could get them in white or with the ends of the fangs painted red? YEP! Maybe it's because I have a rather small face, I'm not sure. In the mirror, it doesn't look that obvious, in fact, I think people don't notice it on me (I find it gives me a bit of an underbite look but my family says its doesn't), but I *feel* like I have those vampire teeth in. Maybe I need to buy myself a cape? LOL.