Dawna's Brace Face Place

Friday, August 17, 2007

Kind of Frustrated

Well, it's been a year now, and my top teeth are almost done - 38th tray out of 42, but things are far from perfect. During my last regular appointment, I mentioned that both my trays were not sitting correctly. For the bottom ones, my ortho agreed and I had the choice of getting traditional braces on a few of my teeth, or waiting to get new impressions, because my tooth had tipped in where my extraction had been. I chose to get the traditional braces, so now I have 3 traintracks on the bottom. You can't see them, but I find it a real pain in the butt because food is ALWAYS getting caught in them. At that same appt, my complaint about the top tray was that it was not sitting right on one lateral incisor, and the canine next to it. He checked the top tray and said it was fine. By the next tray it was sitting even worse, and I went back. This time he agreed, and they took the canine attachment off, and repositioned it as much tighter as they could. It was a minor improvement, but I'd hoped it would kick off some movement for the teeth to settle into the tray. Now, I'm on the next tray and it's just as bad again. There is a gap between the bottom of my tooth and the tray, so bubbles accumulate, and the upper edge of the tray is sitting so low on my tooth it's very visible and 2 people have asked me what's on there....GRRR. My ortho is on vacation until Sept 3 now, so I'm stuck looking like a weirdo for weeks. The left side of my teeth, which were less problematic to begin with, look just wonderful, and it's such a bummer that the other side did not rotate into position as it should have....More on this when he is back from his vacation I guess. Pics below with and without my trays in.

Without trays in:

With trays in, you can see the tray pretty clearly on my right side, at least you can't see the traditional braces: