Dawna's Brace Face Place

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tray 9, Day 2

No problem at all. No, really, my ortho did not call me up and tell me to say that! This tray is already pretty comfortable. I really think making sure I wear them 12 hours straight the first time I put them in makes a difference, and also making an effort to really minimise how long they're out in the first couple of days. One outside edge of the tray was rubbing on my cheek, but a quick file with the emery board fixed it right away. To answer your questions, Barbara and Sherry, I have 42 top trays and 57 bottoms scheduled, if I remember correctly and no, Kyle doesn't need braces thank god. He has a little space between his front teeth but he doesn't mind it at all, the rest is perfect, and not a cavity ever! Thanks for the encouragement as always :o)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tray 9 -in the interest of fairness

Poor Tray 9, by tomorrow I'll probably write really mean stuff about it. So, I figured I should at least say a few words about it before the bad feelings set in. You see, I took a friend's VERY wise advice and always start my trays in the evening right after brushing. That way it gives them 10 or 12 hours of uninterrupted time to settle in before having to take them out. Plus you get to sleep through some of the initial adjustment period, which can only be a good thing. So, Tray 9, let's just say that so far you are totally no problem - real snug of course, but snapped into place without issue and not causing me any disturbance whatsoever. And, I promise not to delete this post no matter how differently I feel tomorrow morning when I rip you and a few of my teeth (ok, an exaggeration but that's how it feels) off to have my coffee.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tray 8 still - what was I THINKING??

How could I have said those things about this wonderful tray? Was that even me? Why, it's an old comfortable friend! Strange that I would have felt that way....I'm sure I'll miss the dear old thing dearly when I switch to Tray 9 tomorrow. I had a check in today, and things are right on track. I love how uncomplicated this is, really. Oh, and a friend with regular braces came over last weekend and was just shocked when he realised I had the trays in (and maybe a wee bit jealous?) hee heeeeeeeeeee!

Monday, October 09, 2006


Mental note to self - if I don't want to frighten away potential Invisalign customers, never post my update on the first morning of my new tray. However, maybe I'm feeling a bit sadistic today, or maybe I just need to share the pain a bit but MAN-OH-MAN this one is a doozy! I had the feeling when I put them in last night for the first time, that this tray was going to be at least a 8.5 on the holycrapmyteetharecomingoutwiththetray scale, and I was right. This morning, the coffee my husband made me was of little comfort after taking my trays out for the first time, although normally I deeply enjoy this daily luxury. In fact, my brain kept telling me NOT to look at the trays, because there were certainly 2 or 3 teeth that came out along with my trays bouncing around in there. I finally peeked, and nope, all the pearly whites were still in my mouth were they belong (so far, anyway - dinnertime might be another story). Now when I look back on that recurring dream I've always had about my teeth falling out into my hands (calling it a dream and not a godawful nightmare as a courtesy to the aforementioned potential invisalign customers), and I can say 'AAAAAAAAAAAAHA, now I know what that dream was predicting!!' Would I change any of it? Still nope!